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Me? I am just a man.…i like music…i like rock’n’roll…I like songs…i like to write songs….i like to play them live…i like to record them…i like to play other people’s songs…i like when other people play my songs…i like to perform solo…i like to perform with a band…i like f/x pedals…i like art…i like artistic freedom…i like freedom of expression…i like freedom of the mind…i like freedom of the spirit and of the soul…i like free music…i like people who are real…i like artists who are real…i like music and art that is REAL…….

all D.D.M. songs are written, performed, recorded, mixed and produced by D.D.M.

visit for more!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

DIY Effects Pedal Resources

When people see effect pedals that I've built for myself, the first thing they ask is "how did you build it?".  Well, if you're a "not-even-close-to-being-a-pro" DIY pedal geek like me, you'll know that building even a simple boost or fuzz circuit can be a frustrating task.  From sourcing the layout and materials to actually putting the thing together, it can be quite the project.

There are a lot of people DIY'ing effects devices nowadays and there is so much info out there on the internet, but some of it is either too advanced for me or not useful at all.  So, for those of you interested, I've gathered some links to sites and pages I've come to rely on for planning and building pedals which may also be useful to you.

It took a lot of time and effort (read: "a lot of mistakes") to find the right resources for me, based on my ability (how easy the info is to follow), how consistently available the info is and how reliable the info is (nothing worse than reading someone's instructions and then realizing, after going slightly insane from confusion, that they don't know what they're talking about!).

Anyhow, here's a list of the typical project steps I take and links which apply to each:

  1. Learn the basics (and a whole lot more): - The Best info starting point

  2. Finding an effect you'd love to build: - just about every pedal I've ever heard of and links to samples and information.

  3. Finding a Vero layout for the effect:  There are a few different sites but this is my fav: - as per the site, "...a collection of vero and tagboard guitar and bass effect layouts that we have put together covering all of the classic and popular effects in ever growing numbers."  ( is also pretty cool but not as extensive).

  4. Sourcing the parts:  http://www.a1parts.comhttp://www.sayal.com - the best spots I've found in the GTA, however you can buy components online from a gazillion dealers...

  5.  Construction and - both great guides but Sabrotone wins because of the extra info and details.

Additional info if you (like me) require more detailed or visual explanations:

Wiring diagrams and details: - great guide; - great diagram; - more options.

Components, guides and info:

  1. Resistor colour code guide:

  2. Transistor Guide for when you can't source the right transistor and need an equivalent:

Learn to Solder: just listing this because, if you don't know how to solder, well then you won't be able to solder ;)  (If you search the internet for tutorials - there are tonnes.)

That's pretty much everything I need and use for building an effect pedal.  You can also try layouts for mini amps like the Noisy Cricket I built and other useful projects that'll keep you busy and stockpiled on and off the pedal board.

I hope this info is 'You'-sful and helps make your DIY pedal build a more enjoyable experience.  If you have any other suggestions for links to add, please let me know.

Thanks! - DDM

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